Sunday, September 10, 2017

Interview - Anatomia

1.Putrified and vomiting greetings from the evil Perú,hows going the brutal things in Anatomia?
Hails mate and Human Flesh zine! Thanks a lot for this killer interview. Things here are really busy now. There are lots of release plans including our new full length album coming out this October. Very excited about the release now. Also lots of gigs booked and very busy. That's good for us though, being active with all cool things coming up.

2.How is formed this aberrant band called Anatomia??How were the beginnings of putrefaction?
Well it was back in 2002 when me and Yoshio gave up with reforming the former band Transgressor when Jun joined in we decided to start off with new name. We were actually trying to put out our Repulsion cover Splattered Cadavers as we recorded and sent it over the label for a tribute album, and it was under the name Transgressor but since it ended up not being released so after some while we thought of changing the name. The recorded track was not used there on the tribute but later on it was put on Shreds of Putrefaction MLP in 2009. The band was started with the idea of bringing back our old spirits of slow doom heavy and filthy death metal in the vein of Autopsy, Death, Necrophagia, etc. when we met and all decided to play the music we grew up with. Since there were lots of newer brutal-death bands with the hyper-blast trigger slam shitty tunes popular back in the early 2000, we were united and formed to produce some old filthy death tunes.

3.How many releases (stuff)?have Anatomia in his chaotic existence in the destructive death metal scene?
We have two full albums so far at present. And the new album is coming out soon this October, lots of splits (almost like over 10 splits so far, and two more splits are coming out this autumn!), first demo, and one cassette demo. Lots of more in the works now, and coming out in the near future.

4.Repugnant influences?
In the beginning we had our common influences from Autopsy, Incantation and we started from covering their songs but later we extended a bit beyond of that with slower and doomier and more atmospheric approaches. Basically nothing changed much though. Old putrid slow death metal in general.

5.Some cadaver (member) from Anatomia have another proyect paralell?
I do have two other active bands; Necrophile (I play the guitars now), and Wormridden (my side project with David from Undergang/Phrenelith from Denmark). And Transgressor is not really active now but its my old band since 1989, and we played a reunion show back in 2015 when our bass player came back home to Japan from UK where he resides now. We kind of decided to do a show or some kind of event whenever he comes back. We all agree to reform the band whenever he returns to Japan for good but it hasn't been done yet. Jun has other band with ex-member of Sabbat, and its called Spiral Wheel. They play heavy metal stuff. Yukiyasu does not have any project.

6.How is the death metal scene from your city/country? explaim more about this and recommend some sick bands.
It is good in the way that there are lots of bands and lots of shows happening. Almost every weekend it has at least one gig in Tokyo and sometimes it comes to two or threes then people can't decide which one to go. I think it is good thing to have more active bands but at the same time I hope they get promoted as well to overseas and play shows more ouside Japan. Well know bands like Butcher ABC, Coffins, Sabbat, Abigail, Zombie Ritual, Evil, Deadly Spawn, etc. but we have some good recommends like Neuroticous, Taste, Lurking Fear, Retch, Worship Pain, Exdeth, Sex Messiah, etc. But surely there are lots more to mention.

7.You know the death metal scene from Southamerica? Perú maybe?
Yes, I know some great bands from Peru. I know Repugnancia, Profaner, Contumacy, Mortem, Evoked Terror, etc. There are many cool fanzines too, such as Crypts of Eternity. I still need more info though. About Southamerican death metal bands. I know lots bands from Brazil, Chile, some Colombia as well. If anyone interested in trade, just contact and we do exchange our stuff and info. Would be cool to play Peru someday too. Any recommends? Death metal bands from Perú?

8.How and where the maniacs can find the merch from Anatomia?
We update this bigcartel site ( Keep checking out this one or we make announcements at facebook site here as well( Please write for sure reply and possibly trades by FB message or via email to: We have bandcamp site too (

9.Bestial future plans?
We have lots of new releases in the plan. Next month we'll have our new full length album out on Nuclear War Now! productions. And two splits, one with Gravesite from Italy coming out through Nuclear Abominations Rec., and other one with Surgikill which has just been released now. Selfmadegod Rec released it. New shirts (Cranial Obsession T-shirts, and new longsleeve shirt) are in the works too. Also, live LP from HMSS, compilation CD from Necroharmonic Records, tape version of Decaying in Obscurity and Dissected Humanity coming as well... We have a short tour coming in November too. We'll be playing at Gothenburg Deathfest, followed by two other shows in Denmark along with Spectral Voice and Blood Incantation. Also, there is an annual deathfest here in Tokyo called Asakusa Deathfest in October along with killer bands from other countries like God Macabre, Wormrot, Rude, Morfin, Savage Deity, Cryptic Brood, Sabbat, Darkhorse, Nekrodrunkz, etc.

10.Takashi thanks for your time in this interview...your last sentences from death!
Thanks a lot for your support, mate. Killer interview. Thanks to you readers of this zine for your support too. Watch out for our new releases especially for our upcoming new album. It contains total 8 doomy death tunes of running time of over 60 mins. DLP and CD format coming out from NWN! and tape version will be out from Caligari Records. Thanks again for your support. Stay morbid and doom death!

EXHUMED video: Defenders of the Grave (Audio Track)